Rockwell is the son of Motown CEO Berry Gordy, Jr. The singer had himself signed to Motown without his father's knowledge. The elder Gordy did not find out that Rockwell was his son Kennedy until after the single and the accompanying album, Somebody's Watching Me, were released.
Produced by Curtis Anthony Nolen, the song featured backing vocals by Michael Jackson. 'Somebody's Watching Me' peaked at number 6 in the UK Singles Chart and number two on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1984, and reached the top of the Billboard R&B Singles chart. It was the only major hit for Rockwell. His follow-up single, 'Obscene Phone Caller', was Rockwell's only other Top 40 single, reaching number 35 on the Billboard Hot 100.
The single's music video underscores the song's paranoid tone with a haunted house-inspired theme, including imagery of floating heads, ravens, graveyards, and shower scenes referencing the film Psycho. The mailman who appears in the music video for 'Somebody's Watching Me' also stars in the video for 'Obscene Phone Caller'.
Click the link below to download the following:
12 Inch Extended Vocal Mix
Churchill's 400 people are watching me mix
Demon Club Mix
Dj Jimmy jam's Retrospective House Remix
Hi Tack Club Mix
Hot Tracks
Ian Carey Mix
Instrumental version
Medway Mix
Paranoid mix
Single Version
Somebody's Watcing Jeopardy
Special 12 Inch Mix
Rockwell - Somebody's Watching Me - Video
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